How To Clean a Wool Fedora Hat

One of our most asked frequently asked questions is how to clean your My Gypsy Child hat. So we put this post together to help guide you.

Cleaning your hat might be a delicate chore. Whether you need to give it a quick clean to refresh and revitalize it or if you wear your hat every day and want to give it a deeper clean, we've got the methods, techniques, and hacks keep your My Gypsy Child hat looking brand new and clean. Here is our list of cleaning alternatives and stain removal cures.

1. Hat brush

Use a hat brush to help clean the surface of your hat. For best results, start at the front and work your way around in a clockwise motion while brushing the hat counterclockwise.

Pro tip: Brush in the same direction, every time.

2. Lint roller

Lint rollers are handy for removing lint, hair, and dust from clothing. For everyone out there who has a wardrobe primarily made of black, you know what I'm talking about. Lint rollers are life savers. If you're not well prepared, a little piece of tape may be used to remove any stubborn dust or debris that your hat might accumulate over time. Simply wrap the tape around your hand and let the sticky side out to gently dab across the surface of your headwear.

3. Cloth

Remove any dust, dirt and other debris from your hat by using a clean, dry cloth. Dried dirt may flake off effortlessly when you wipe it. If you can't remove all of the dirt, wet the cloth, but not excessively dampened and wipe your hat in a circular motion.

When it comes to hat stain removal we've got just what you need if your kids are messy or you're just prone to spills. Any stains may be removed using an eraser or a makeup sponge by gently dabbing them.

Pro tip: Avoid rubbing stains. Rubbing your stains will just allow the stain to sink in deeper and make it more difficult to remove.

A dry cleaning sponge is another alternative, which you can get at most hardware stores or here. These sponges are a wonderful investment since they're made to remove stains.

4. Corn Starch

If you find a grease stain on your hat, sprinkle a little cornstarch over it. To begin with, use a half tbsp of cornstarch, gently massage the spot with it. After 5-10 minutes, carefully remove the powder.

5. Fabric Stain Remover 

Fabric stain removers are readily available in your local convenience store. Get a damp cloth and pour some fabric stain remover. To remove the stain remover from headwear, wash the cloth and re-wipe stains after stain treatment.

Sprinkle some absorbent powder similar to the color of your hat to prevent discoloration. Allow the hat to sit for several hours so that the powder may soak up dirt and oils. To avoid deforming the brim, place it upside down on its crown. Remove the rest with your vacuum cleaner's hose by shaking off the powder.

Pro tip: For dark-colored hats, use wheat germ; for white ones, use baking soda; and for beige and tan headwear, use cornmeal.

Cleaning the sweatband

To clean your sweatband, use a toothbrush, water, and mild soap to scrub and wipe the dirt away gently.

You can also use felt hat protection spray to keep your hat dry and stain-free, extending its shelf life.

The quality of our My Gypsy Child hats is something we take great pride in, and they are now in your hands to care for. We hope that this blog post provides you with information and helps you preserve your headwear.